My works are situations.

Situations that involve and evolve in space, with me and with you.
Situations to feel.
Situations for making connections.
Situations that allow vulnerability.
Situations to come together.
Situations that raise questions.
Situations that are often awkward.
Spherical situations, something is in the air.
Situations to relate to with your body.
Situations that relate to your body.
Situations that give and make space.


I work as Artist Curator on my own artistic practice as well as collective work, curatorial work and mediation. They intersect each other and build a common ground – a shared situation. Mostly my works are performative installations. Through my practice I open up a space, to interact with it, and question the construct of the space in general. Based in observations, my works oppose other situations and speculate on how else an institutional space can be. I am interested in the constitutions of a space, and its potential influences on human interactions and relations. To me establishing a structure, for working, caring, feedback, retrospection, intimacy, is a key interests in my practice of exhibition-making.

I collaborate with others, mainly in the collective Young Valley Soil. Young Valley Soil was founded 2018 with Elina Saalfeld, Elisa Nessler and Cristina Rüesch and me. In my work I want to open and begin a process with others and look together at our shared reality. Others are friends, colleagues, performers, visitors, strangers.

Dates and Numbers:

2023 Master of Fine Arts - HfbK Hamburg
2022 Semester at Art and Public Space - KHIO Art Academy of Oslo
2020 Bachelor of Fine Arts - HfbK Hamburg

20-23 study sponsorship - Cusanuswerk
2021 Kulturförderung Nottuln for project „With Mosses Airs and Bees, We Dance Along With Trees“

2024 Don’t cry over spilllllled tears anymore. - Art Au Centre, Liège (BE)
2023 To stumble invisibly - nyt. Art Space, Berlin

2023 Fest, group show No More Lonely Laundry - MOM art space, Hamburg
2020 Vielleicht träumen wir alle gleichzeitig? - Golden Pudel Club Hamburg
2020 Crossings of O, SeeUth3ere, group show - HFBK & Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof

2023 A Glimpse and A Taste - Tapete 64/66, Duo with Delia Prezioso, Hamburg
2021 A Misunderstood Careless Whisper, Duo - Einstellungsraum e.V. Hamburg
2018 Performance for „School for invisibilities“ - Cité des arts Paris

2022 SPP, with Master Art and Public Space - Resepjongallery, Art Academy Oslo
2022 Told You I‘ll be here forever - Frappant e.V. Hamburg
2022 Chatty Matter - Hundred Years Gallery, London
2022 Bark beetles mapped hidden worlds - Frappant Galerie e.V. Hamburg
2021 SALON MEDUSA I - EKS rummet Copenhagen
2021 TRIADE - Frappant Galerie e.V., Hamburg
2021 Trying to be a spider - Chapter One - Frappant Galerie, Hamburg

2023 Conserving a long walk, curation with Laura Schneider - ZUS Fest at PARKS, Hamburg
2022 Curation and Organisation - ZUS Fest at Schaltzentrale e.V. Hamburg
2022 Curatorial Assistant - M.1 Arthur Boskamp Stiftung Hohenlockstedt
2021 I never promised you a rose garden, curatorial takeover - Einstellungsraum, Hamburg
2021 With Mosses Airs and Bees, group show in a forest in Nottuln (NRW)
15-21 Assistant for Summerprogram of Kunstschule Offenburg

2023 public guided tours through exhibitions at Kunstverein in Hamburg
2022 „pasta making - let‘s talk elasticity“ workshop at ROM galleri in Oslo
2022 „ON SITE - VOR ORT“ workshop with Agnieszka Roguski at M.1 Arthur Boskamp Stiftung
2022 public guided tours through exhibitions at M.1 Arthur Boskamp Stiftung
21-23 public guided tours through exhibitions at HFBK Hamburg

Mentions in Publications
2022 „Grand Tour ins Off“ Lerchenfeld 60, by Raphael Dillhof


2024 Upcoming Residency at M.1 Arthur Boskamp Stiftung with Young Valley Soil Kollektiv