I never promised you a rose garden 
class Pia Stadtbäumer of 2020

curatorial takeover of Einstellungsraum e.V. for six weeks 

After the collaboration with Elina Saalfeld in September 2020 at the former Einstellungsraum e.V.  the inofficial leader of the space Elke Suhr approached me and invited me to curate a programme for the winterbreak. The only condition should be that I curate a show with my class at the HFBK Hamburg, and we hand over the space the same way how we got it. I wanted to open up this working process of an exhibition and create a show, that assembles over the course of the six weeks, one exhibition after the other, building upon each other, or dealing with the leftovers from the show before. 

We founded four groups within our class, which would do a show each. 

The participating students were: 
Mille Qvist, Lena-Marie Schütte, Eigil Bakdal, Tristan Kold, Anna Pelz, Maxime Chabal, Aimee Lyon, Sanna Huber, Annabell Lin, Laura Mahnke, Kim Krebeck, Julia Weitze, Mounaf Nofal, Laura Schneider, Lena Baethmann, Elena Crijnen, Delia Prezioso, Kea Hinsch, Weria Ebrahimi, Elizaveta Ostapenko, Anna Bochkova, Francisca Markus, Jiamin Ouyang, Qing Lan

exhibitiontext in four parts: