Step, Scuff, Stomp, Hook.
And fall (x2)
September 2024 at Bergkerk Deventer in Collaboration with Kunstenlab Deventer
variable Dimensions
Soil, Water and Flour mixture
The exhibition All you ever WANTED with Aalt van de Glind, Bart Koldewee, Danny Foolen, Hannelotte van Elst, Jeroen Diepenmaat, Malou Cohen, Ramon Eding en J’ee-haw! (Jeannette Knigge & Harco Rutgers) sets up a saloon-like space in the Bergkerk.
Step, Scuff, Stomp, Hook, and Fall. (x2) is a take on dance patterns, in this case of Line dancing, define collective movement in a space.
The work is made of clay soil, mixed with a flour-water mixture, that fermented for a few days in my studio before being applied to the floor. The steps follows almost impossible twists and combinations of steps, There is only one person dancing here, no start or end in sight.
Line Dance choroegraphies consist of various sequences - each step is a ritualized gesture that conforms to an established norm. Any deviation from the pattern is incorrect, creating a rigid structure that establishes how dancers should move in relation to each other. Dance patterns function as a codified system, a performative script that both unites and constrains. Every touch is prescribed through the pattern, unintential touches only happen when falling out of the grid.
The title Step, Scuff, Stomp, Hook, and Fall. (x2) poses itself a pattern, that suggests a fall as part of the dance. I imagine a saloon where all the supposedly cool dancers, the ones who know how to move, and the one who don’t (me), would collapse and fall over after hours of line dancing, into a kind of Simone Fort Huddle Performance. Still thinking about this, since I saw that performance together with the class of master art and public space in 2022. I am interested in investigating and speculating on situations that allow for moments of deviations of all forms.
Imagine the huddle, that a mass of people dancing this, would create.
Over the time the work looses its intensity, the more people unnotice it, and walk over it, the thinner my steps get.