ZUS Fest
August 2022
Schaltzentrale Hamburg
curation and Organisation
For the skate and art festival called ZUS Fest I was invited by Lena Baethmann and Alisha Alafair Amthor to organize the exhibtion and curate the work of invited artists.
My work mainly consisted or organizing the exhibtionspace, curate the different positions spatially, and to organize the installment of the works. It was a challenging task to me to enter a project shortly before the phase of realization. I really enjoyed the collaboration with the artists and thinking about how to bring their very different positions together.
Furthermore I realized how important it is to me to be involved and to engage in a project from the very start. So to develop together in a collective way the vocabulary and ethics that need to be an active part of working together in a healthy way.
-> Added on march 2024:
I am really thinkin about the importance on providing a structure.